Skin Care & Massage for EveryBODY

Frequently Asked Questions

How often should I get a facial?

Ideally every 4 weeks. If you’re having active acne break-outs or working to correct an issue, your esthetician may recommend more frequent visits.

What do I do for DRY SKIN?

That’s a great question! I’d love to ask YOU more questions about your lifestyle, habits and diet before giving you a thorough recommendation, which may include which products to discontinue. Generally your skin is begging for more moisture–temperature changes, wind, exposure to UV, hard water, low humidity are all characteristic of the weather in Big Sky. It’s extreme for your skin even if you’re just out walking the dog! Utilizing hydrating sprays, toners and essences; looking for those without drying ingredients like alcohol. Seal the moisture into your skin with a high quality facial oil, balm or moisturizer. Schedule monthly facials for on-going maintenance.

I’m not sure which facial to choose, what should I do?

Choose the time you want, make notes on the appointment and your esthetician will be able to customize the treatment specific to you and your needs.

Do you offer Make-Up/Hair or Nail services?

No. At this time these services are very limited in the Big Sky area.

Where are you located?

We are in the Meadow Village shopping center, sharing a parking lot with Country Market. We share a building with Alpine Property Management and are located on the upstairs floor at 17 Meadow Village Drive. Please note we do not have an elevator.

Celluma Treatments

What is Celluma?

Celluma is a light therapy device for treating wrinkles, acne & pain conditions. Low-level-light therapy or photobiomodulation is based on Light Emitting Diode (LED) technology and is the application of light energy to the body for therapeutic benefits.

How does a Celluma treatment work?
It promotes a natural photo biochemical reaction similar to the process of plant photosynthesis. The energy delivered by the LEDs has been shown to enhance cellular metabolism, accelerate the repair and replenishment of damaged skin cells, as well as stimulate the production of collagen–the foundation of healthy smooth skin.
How long do Celluma treatments take to work?

Most people feel, or see, an improvement with 1-2 uses but best results with a series of 2-3 treatments per week for 4 weeks.

But does it really work?

Yes! The technology embedded in Celluma was developed by NASA and has numerous studies to back up the claims.

Will I feel anything during a Celluma treatment?
No, there is little or no sensation, Celluma helps tissue heal naturally from the inside out. Afterwards you should feel rejuvenation and experience less pain.
Who should NOT use Celluma?
Anyone who has epilepsy or a history or seizures, taking cortisone injections or any other kind of steroid injection, anyone using photosensitizing drugs.
Esthetician in Big Sky giving a soothing facial treatment
Esthetician in Big Sky giving a soothing facial treatment

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17 Meadow Village Drive
Big Sky, MT 59716